Oh how strange are the ways of us human beings! It’s epiphanies like this that I begin to wish more and more that I lived the life of a maggot. Although, come to think of it, maggots aren’t entirely different from us now are they? So what do maggots and the human race have in common, besides a shared stench of desperation and an existence no more lifeless than the body they feast on? Well, for one thing, we both survive on the remains of a substance no longer useful to the world, feeding off of something that was once alive, now a memory that’s destined only to be picked at by scavengers desperate to survive on these forgotten fears.
A maggot feeds off of such trash- soaked in bacteria, filth and disease, the smell of rotting flesh is their all you can eat buffet. Sadly, our survival is no different; our society revolves around judgment, hatred, fear. Our television are filled with shit, drenched in hatred, spewing out our destines. Our dependency on words, laws, and routine are laced with fallacious hope similar to that of the maggots’ garbage. Not a pleasant source of nutrition, but unable to live any other way, we have no choice but to fed on this type of rubbish. Together we survive on negligence and greed, fueled only by our consumption driven society.
We also both conveniently move in masses, rarely a dawdler surviving on its own.(So they say) Leaving the way of the group is said to be unsafe, scolded that these wonderers will be subjected to that of solitude, no longer near the warmth of conformity. Although possible, it seems not an entirely desirable state to live in but the key word here is possible, and fucking fantastic might I add.
Okay enough about your mother, I’ll get to the point. I had this urge today, an urge to go to an organic food store and beat the living piss out of every person that walks in the place. Why not? They’re snobbery is not only slowing the advancement and limiting any type of sustainability in third world economies, but also starving their kids and raping their women. Okay maybe not literally raping their women, I mean that in a more comparative sense. More or less forcing these people to survive in an environment that doesn’t particularly give them much to work with, just so they can eat their “organically cultivated” food.
Now not only are these pig headed bastards enforcing this type of “lifestyle” amongst their own communities, but trying to convince the industrial manufacturers to do the same! HA HA! “Don’t use the fertilizer that will triple your crop because it isn’t healthy for the o-zone layer!” OHHHHH is it now? Well then, why don’t you go across the ocean and tell the village, where the wheat was destined, that they won’t be eating for the next week because there are some bitch ass people over here who are more concerned with the state of their reiterated ethics then the lives of distressed people! This is the very type of food production that has helped keep food supply ahead of population growth! God, it’s so very easy for people who can afford that type of lifestyle to tell others what to do and how to do it, only giving help to people with the means to help themselves. Sounds like the republican national anthem now doesn’t it?!
Where there is poor soil, uncertain rainfall and diseased cattle, there are fraught people willing to take any type of help they can get Ok? I will tell you this much, starving people don’t give a fuck where the food comes from, how it was made, and who fucked it. These so called “green people” are the very ones who are encouraging the demotion of technology third world countries!
This also goes for animal activities (don’t think I forgot about you) who are constantly trying to shut down chicken farms because they are handled “morally improper.” These very farms are the ones who supply such poultry to third world countries! Do you really think that a mother in Ethiopia, Ghana, Nigeria, Uganda, Mali, Guinea (just to name a few) really care that the chicken, which will feed her family for a week, was fed by a tube down its throat? No sir, no she would not care, and I guarantee she would still take the damn thing if you told her the guy who delivered the chickens had fucked every single one of them. Now I bet you’re really hating me now right? But Jenna, I bought this reusable bag the other day and it says I’m helping out, Oprah told me this, Al Gore told me that. Well you need to turn off Oprah and write Al Gore a letter stating you will no longer see any of his facts as self evidently true ok? I’m going to let you in on a little secret okay? GLOBAL WARMING IS FUCKING BULLSHIT AND ALL THIS GARBAGE ABOUT OVER POPULATION, GREEN HOUSE GASSES RUINING THE OZONE LAYER, RECYLING, ORGANIC THIS AND ORGANIC THAT IS A STEAMING PILE OF SHIT!!! It’s a trend, a soon to be failed trend, just like the hippies were. Our world runs on two things alright, consumption and fear. The government found an ingenious way to scare our civilization and condition us into purchasing items that are suppose to calm this fear. “You’ll be living in trash up to your knees if you don’t use these reusable bags, your kids will die when they are 40 if you don’t start buying these overpriced hybrids!” It’s brilliant; they even hire men in white jackets to tell us it’s true. “Well, he is a scientist, I can see he’s wearing the white coat; he can’t possibly lie to me!”
No, our earth is not going to be engulfed in flames because of pollution. These corporate scientists that are hired by the government to scare the shit out of you, are unfortunately way off. These statistics that they spiel are generally all estimated. In fact, the surface of the globe has never really been completely monitored!!! First, it is only natural that the surface of our earth increase in temperature, we just came out of a god damn ice age 25,000 years ago, THE coldest period known on earth! Second who said that temperatures were supposed to be stable? Any type of factors that influence climate (solar radiation, chemical activities of bacteria) are too diverse and unpredictable to make any sort of assumption or exact calculation of what the climate will be like in the next century! To say that our changing weather is a direct result of the human footprint is ridiculous and not coming from science.
Oh god and the greenhouse gases and CO2!! LORD HELP US!! Do any of you “green activists” even know how the greenhouse gas effect works? Of course you don’t you just know the words to be the “it” term of our time. To explain the greenhouse effect is extremely complex (if you’d like to know, feel free to email me, explaining it to you would give me the high I need; and that would be destroying your self righteousness) so I won’t go into detail, but I will let you know that the big theory they have is shown by a small tube of heat radiation being exposed to greenhouse gasses causing the temperature rise. Well yes, yes it does do that, we can all agree, but unfortunately our world isn’t as fucking simple as a vile of air in a controlled laboratory!! These jackass experiments are not designed with all the attributing abilities the earth has to expel this extra energy causing this type of heat!! GOD DAMNIT!! But government doesn’t want you to know that bit does it? After all that would decrease the surplus in their grand plan to milk ALL of the money out of our pockets!
Now, perhaps instead of wishing for a world that will continually “eliminate”; which I can tell you is incredibly dangerous to our human existence- we can wish to get rid of governments and “civil services” that have no independent accountability!!!!!!!!!!!!
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