Live a poetic existence. Take responsibility for the air you breathe and never forget that the highest appreciation is not to just utter words, but to live them compassionately.

Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Year's Eve: Yup, it's a self reflecting post... why are you surprised?

It seems appropriate, being New Year’s Eve, to do some self reflecting; everyone seems so insistent on making resolutions and reevaluating his or her life that I am feeling rather obligated to follow suit. Feel free to vomit, laugh or shake your head in unrelenting shame as you read yet another unrequited post by one of the many unmotivated people who make new year's resolutions every year. 

Blaaaahhhh, all over the place: This is currently how I feel about my progress as a relatively sane human being within the past year. I’d like to think I have made some subtle changes regarding some, cough, “issues” that I have dealt with for many years; however, I can’t seem to shake off one familiar question: Why I am unable to take that extra step into pure and utter self contentment?

I can’t help but feel people are unable to change, not for selfish reasons- the reasons psychologists and Dr Phil’s out there like to brand the poor individual who find it difficult to change- but for selfless reasons. I am in no way trying to make victims of us all who are unable to cope with transition, but I am purporting an argument that seems rather logical. 

It comes down to a fear of inconveniencing others. As a perfectionist, and one who does not like to ruffle the feathers of anyone who she comes into contact with, I feel if I were to change into a “better Jenna” – a more lively, fun and “emotionally there” person – that the people around me would be rather… indifferent towards the change. Right now I am an ideal friend, girlfriend, sister and daughter; I make no emotional demands for love or commitment, I am passive, I allow all relationship flaws to remain unnoticed, I don’t ask for advice, help, support, to be taken out for dinner, to a movie, to an event. I am all of these things because I am selfishly rapt within my out little world of Jenna.

Being completely unresponsive towards a life outside of my own obscure, upside-down, horribly lonely universe, I have relieved anyone who is connected with me of having any sort of responsibilities that are required to maintain a healthy relationship. If I were to change, would I be upsetting everyone by becoming a more emotionally demanding person? Would others want yet another person who they have to put effort into in order to sustain a human relationship? I for one can vouch for their discontentment; I remain isolated because it seems easier to not have friends then to have friends... it's f-ing hard work. 

I have this vision of a woman who is strong, who has a voice so powerful it knocks the god damn world’s socks off; she is fun and opinionated and has the ability to be extremely pissed off, hilarious, aggressive, flirty, happy, sad – all of those wonderful emotions human’s experience. Yet, I am finding it incredibly difficult to make that extra leap into the unknown where I can transform into this new animal, a new breed. I am not so much afraid of jumping, but of what this jump in turn will do to my surrounding relationships. I would become a different Jenna, and I am fearful not everyone who appreciate and want that. Uggg... looks like I am living proof of what a Freudian scholar would classify as someone who is wearing a "figurative mask". 

2011 can go to hell, like the rest of the god damn years that have come and gone with no evidence of ever being here at all. I am hoping this small fire that is burning in the pit of my belly will remain ignited and will slowly grow to a hellish bonfire that will burn down this wall of self hatred and insecurity straight to the gates of Hades. I don’t know what I want in life as of yet, but I definitely don’t want this- what I have now- and I think that is a pretty good place to start.   


  1. good post

    i'm 48 and one of the things i've realized is that most people don't feel totally comfortable with who they are until their late 40s

    so i guess i'm convinced adolescence lasts from about 12 to 45

  2. Ive been to Hades, i sat next to a rock and immovably fixed as you are. My limbs change and grow stiff. I tried to rise but could not. I was fixed to the rock on which I sat as you are to your wall.

    Unhappy with talent and passion (like mosts artists) for what you love except your perfectionist attitude will always leave you unhappy (like mosts artists). Cliche? yes, but focusing on the negatives will leave you in a spiral. obviously you can recognize the beauty in the art but reading this is reading a self diagnosing cry for help. The difficulty to transform into your ideal woman is your fear of change. The world is a beautiful fragile place, break free of your wall, let the fire burn with fresh air, see the world and enjoy this life. because right now as you said youre the definition of a Freudian slip. You've identified it, now what?

    You've spent time in darkness as i did but the night is darkest before the sunrise.

    - Theseus
