I feel terrible I haven’t posted anything on my blog in an extremely long time; it is something that really gives me a lot of joy so I intend of ramping up my blogging! I am starting to think the reason I have been lacking in motivation to post is the fact it has been awfully hot which makes it difficult to bake; thus, no recipes to share. However, I do have more interests than baking so I guess that is no excuse!

Speaking of interests, I have recently taken up the hobby of origami! I seem to have a natural ability for it so I am trying to indulge in the art as much as possible. I find it so peaceful where I find all the trivial stresses of life seem to dissipate into the small folds and creases of the paper. Here are some of my most recent creations that I am bashfully proud of; I think that is what is helping me continue the hobby, I feel so gloriously proud after I complete a piece!
I think this hobby every peaceful for everyone