Yummm… you know if the lord was made of chocolate I’d probably be religious. Actually I take that back, there are bigger, and more substantial, issues I have with Christianity rather than the fact that their savior lacks a delicious coating of sweet candy. For “F*ck It Friday” I came across a rather popular piece of work that was showcased at The Laby Gallery in Manhattan in 2007. Cosimo Cavallaro created a 6-foot replica of Jesus Christ hanging from the cross titled “My Sweet Lord”, made of chocolate. The piece was revealed during Easter and stirred up a lot of controversy in the brief 2 day showing. Art Director Matt Somler took down the piece and resigned immediately after feeling tremendous pressure from religious communities.
I am not seeing the big deal here? It’s a Chocolate Jesus, where’s the controversy in that? Cavallaro didn’t through a tutu and paint a swastika symbol on the guy’s forehead or anything? This type of pious suppression is exactly the issue our contemporary world is facing in regards to religious tolerance. Look, I’d like to think I am an agnostic atheist; I don’t believe there is any sort of deity that dictates my life, however, I also don’t believe there is any conclusive argument that proves there is not a god. I am not trying to bash Christianity, well yes I am actually. I suppose I have just grown tired of religious jack asses infiltrating every aspect of our social and political culture in order to ease their insecurities, after all, they have been doing it since the beginning of time. Tom Waits wrote a lovely song about a chocolate Jesus and sums up my conception on the whole matter:
"When the weather gets rough
And it's whiskey in the shade
It's best to wrap your savior
Up in cellophane
He flows like the big muddy
But that's ok
Pour him over ice cream
For a nice parfait."
Lol, chocolate jesus.
ReplyDeleteThat actually scared me first off, it is a bit creepy hahaha.
I love this post Jenna!! And as much as i do believe in a higher power your words are very powerful :-)
ReplyDeletePeople of "faith" need to remain "Open minded".
There's just one problem, the definition of "Open minded" - Open Mind: Having an “open mind” is when an individual can objectively judge truth claims in light of their own presuppositions in the pursuit of truth and knowledge.
So, with people of "faith", whichever faith is their belief.....one can ask "we believe there's a higher power" but......is it the "truth".....as you have stated " there's no conclusive proof there isn't a higher power"....but truth is too there's no conclusive proof there is.... xo