Live a poetic existence. Take responsibility for the air you breathe and never forget that the highest appreciation is not to just utter words, but to live them compassionately.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Say Whaaaa Wednesday... Wait a minute, this isn't my camel?!

There is never an end to the unusually intriguing list of controversial art creations is there? I came across a piece created by Human Mulji, a Pakistani artist, titled “Arabian Delight” in which a taxidermy camel is stuffed into an oversized suitcase. Brilliant isn’t it? However, this kind of work was a little too far out for the Arabs to handle at Art Dubai in 2008 where it was showcased. They had strong resentment towards the piece as they felt the camel, which is their national animal and a fluent symbol of pride, was being shown in an offensive manor.

It is said the piece was constructed to reveal the neglected issue of the import-export business of contraband by way of personal luggage; more importantly, some claim it was a strong reference towards the young men imported by Arabs to serve as camel-jockeys.

Whatever the case, I am still unable to define my personal intake on this piece. Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate the originality and believe in the whole “art for the sake of art” thing; I tend to steer clear of any analytical and philosophical interpretations of art. I think what’s turning me off is, quite simply, the ugliness of camels. Let’s face it, camels are rather homely animals. Is that vain I cannot see paste the physical appearance of an art piece in order to appreciate its purpose? Perhaps… perhaps, and that is all.

Friday, March 26, 2010

F*ck It Friday... Religion is a Pill you must Swallow without Chewing

“Faith means not wanting to know what is true.” - Friedrich Nietzsche

However much I’d like to believe in a higher power, to be oblivious to the realities of the world must be rather easy living, I can’t help but fail to comprehend the dim-witted agenda of such an outrageous concept. Religion tends to advocate notions of happiness and peace, claiming a believer is far happier than a skeptic. Ummm…What!? To say a skeptic is less content with their life than a believer is no more to the point than the fact that a drug addict is happier than someone who is sober; the happiness of gullibility is a cheap, spent piece of used jet trash that is utterly dangerous. You get what I’m sayin?

For “F*ck It Friday” I decided to showcase an author/journalist who is the star of the league of new Atheist writers. Seen as the bad boy of modern Atheism, Christopher Hitchens regularly stumbles into literary conventions unshaven, a lit cigarette hanging provocatively out the side of his mouth and a glass of scotch in his hand. However unconventional his appearance and demeanor may appear he is a brilliant, and civilized, writer. Hitchens will always casually say whats on his mind without pausing for a thought and embellishes his claims with sonnets of Shakespeare... see, Atheists can be romantic too.
His most noted work, God is Not Great: How Religion Poisons everything, claims the days have long past when major religions were selling, successfully, their bogus beliefs. Ultimately those were the days when there was nothing better to offer other than the tranquility of an afterlife; a crude and ridiculous explanation of the world was far better than no explanation at all.

Interesting isn’t it? Perhaps it is time we recognize religion does three distinct things: indoctrinates, controls, and most importantly, divides people. By creating a fictitious figure (Gawwwd…) that has the manners and morals of a spoiled child is rather dangerous. Is it not enough to look at the world in its pure beauty without having to credit the picturesque image to a benevolent being, or that there are little angels beneath the ground that are watching our every move to determine whether we will be going to burn in the pits of hell or not?! As far as I am concerned, the world has suffered far less from ignorance then the pretentious notions of believers. It is not skeptics but ideologues who threat civility and progress. No atheists ever burned anyone at the stake or tortured those who oppose their views. I believe the bible to be nothing but a fairytale book of rules and laws that indoctrinate the naive which in turn has helped create war, hatred, oppression, discrimination and judgment.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Say Whaaaa Wednesday... "The Satanic Verses"

I realized I hadn’t post much on literature, besides my own poetry, so for “Say Whaaa… Wednesday” I decided to advocate the need to read controversial books. It seems a stark controversy couples rather nicely with a pleasant story, whether fiction or non-fiction, which always invokes a sense of mischievousness in the reader… oh yes, literature can be bad ass too don’t you know! The Satanic Verses by Salman Rushdie was read as a sacrilegious treatment of the Islamic faith as Rushdie refers to the Prophet Muhammad as Mahound, which is the medieval name for the devil. The public was outraged and riots broke out in 1989 over the publication of the book where people were killed and many injured in India. Wow, religious tolerance in the world is just blissful isn’t it? I find it ironic so many religions say everyone is equal under the eye of "God"; now wouldn’t that include differing opinions and writers who choose to express their opinions through fictitious novels?

Rushdie did however issue an apology but, get this, Iranian spiritual leader Ayotollah Khomeini went to the extent to issue a $1 million bounty for killing the author, increasing that to $3 million if the assassin was Iranian. Even Venezuelan officials threatened anyone who owned the books could possibly be sentenced to 15 months in prison! The Japanese imposed a fine for anyone selling the English edition and translators were getting murdered for interpreting the book for interested individuals. Major U.S book dealers even removed the book from their shelves due to death threats and Rushdie remained in hiding for almost a decade.

Wow, such hostility towards the book makes it all the more appealing! I couldn’t believe a novel could cause such chaos throughout the world, especially since it was simply criticizing a religious… ohhhh right, I forgot.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

My Dear Christian Lacroix

Christian Lacroix has always been a designer who I admire. His devoted passion and love towards a fantasia of haute couture clothing is extravagant. It is no wonder there was a sullen ambiance in Paris during its 2010 Fashion Week; Lacroix recently declared insolvency, the first step before bankruptcy, due to the downturn of the luxury market which resulted in him backing out of the haute couture showcasing. The situation is still unclear but it has left one of the greatest creators out on his own trying to reclaim the brand. For Fall 2009 the embellished material, extravagantly hued with rich blues were extremely concentrated in shape and wearable. Perhaps this was Lacroix way of reaching out to a breed of women who are constrained by financial issues; however, as a mastery of his art he gilded a beautifully crafted wedding gown, a vision of a saint in a church painting.

It’s unfortunate such a brilliant artist has struggled to maintain a label that is utterly luminous in its creativity. His distinct detailing is layered with delights and surprises. He is comfortable in which all the imagination he's developed seems to flow effortlessly out of his fingertips. What a shame the appreciation for extravagant artistic expression isn’t as wholly accepted as Kim Kardashian’s pathetic attempt at constructing a reputable clothing line…

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Serene Saturday... Deep in Reverie

*Sigh* the tranquility of Paris France seems to be constantly flooding my mind lately. Perhaps the spring weather has made the imagery of cobblestone streets, historic buildings and parks much more intriguing. I have simply been overwhelmed with the thoughts of living in such a beautiful city where vintage fashion and unique finds are ample, where the leisurely people and beauty of the city offer a sense to sublimity and appreciation to anyone who visits. How can I make all of these assumptions when never traveling there? I don’t know. I guess I feel a deeper connection with the city that I am unable to deny, a brooding relationship that has always been a subconscious acceptance. Wow, that kinda sounds sexual does’t it? Giggity.
For “Serene Saturday” I am simply day dreaming of a life in Paris where I happily work a meager job as the beauty, literature, art and culture is enough to keep me alive. When I dream of a life where money and material objects no longer seem important, where a good book and walk along a old street where art nouveau has crept into every piece of architecture, that's when I made a conscious decision to make sure whatever I do in my life is something that I love.

Friday, March 19, 2010

F*ck It Friday... It's Got to be a Chocolate Jesus

Yummm… you know if the lord was made of chocolate I’d probably be religious. Actually I take that back, there are bigger, and more substantial, issues I have with Christianity rather than the fact that their savior lacks a delicious coating of sweet candy. For “F*ck It Friday” I came across a rather popular piece of work that was showcased at The Laby Gallery in Manhattan in 2007. Cosimo Cavallaro created a 6-foot replica of Jesus Christ hanging from the cross titled “My Sweet Lord”, made of chocolate. The piece was revealed during Easter and stirred up a lot of controversy in the brief 2 day showing. Art Director Matt Somler took down the piece and resigned immediately after feeling tremendous pressure from religious communities.

I am not seeing the big deal here? It’s a Chocolate Jesus, where’s the controversy in that? Cavallaro didn’t through a tutu and paint a swastika symbol on the guy’s forehead or anything? This type of pious suppression is exactly the issue our contemporary world is facing in regards to religious tolerance. Look, I’d like to think I am an agnostic atheist; I don’t believe there is any sort of deity that dictates my life, however, I also don’t believe there is any conclusive argument that proves there is not a god. I am not trying to bash Christianity, well yes I am actually. I suppose I have just grown tired of religious jack asses infiltrating every aspect of our social and political culture in order to ease their insecurities, after all, they have been doing it since the beginning of time. Tom Waits wrote a lovely song about a chocolate Jesus and sums up my conception on the whole matter:

"When the weather gets rough
And it's whiskey in the shade
It's best to wrap your savior
Up in cellophane
He flows like the big muddy
But that's ok
Pour him over ice cream
For a nice parfait."

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Say Whaaaa? Wednesday... Oh How we Love the Delirium in Animal Rights Activists

I’d like to start off with a poll; Raise your right hand if you like animals, now raise your left hand if you like diamonds? Well, those of you who have both hands up may love Angela Singer’s interpretation of contemporary taxidermy… or maybe not. As an artist from New Zealand, and ironically a animal activist, Singer’s artwork is rather controversial and rather incongruous with her “morals” if you ask me.

As a fur aficionado, I see the beauty in dead animals; I would kill a litter of baby foxes with my own hands if it means me getting a nice shawl. What strikes me odd is that an animal rights activist uses a canvas of dead carcasses encrusted with diamonds and paint. Does anyone else see the hilarious paradox in this type of creativity? I see the splendor beneath animals and their guts and I think Singer’s work is absolutely stunning. I love what she is doing and would love it even more if she wasn’t one of those terrorists in animal advocate groups. However, this is the very issue I am having, what makes me go “Say Whaaaa?” is the fact that she is apart of that self righteous class of PETA bourgeoisie whose wholly against vivisection or dissection of live animals for the advancement of human improvement.

This all kind of reminds me of that old American saying, “A black man can tell black jokes.” Animal activists advocating animal liberation can dissect animals as long as it doesn’t impose on their own morals and lifestyle. Oh my, the typical animal rights advocate sure can justify their outrageous lifestyle and delirious behavior. How strange are the lot of us…

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

"Trap Lines" By Jenna Reimer

The softest feet are crisply straying
Throughout a dark wood.
Thickets brush against the innocence
Of a young boy- tired and afraid.
Lost amongst towering trees,
The hierarchy of the natural world,
His mind strolls about thirsty.

What was once his open heart,
Caring for the secret livings
Of whatever roams the forest,
Is forgotten; the twilight of a sullen moon
transforms the earth
Into the frighteningly unfamiliar.

A keen wind flays
Screaming trees with a light snow;
Stifling the boy from hope to terror.
A childhood memory destroyed
By a dream of a doom
And a peeling sky that lost its worth
And abandoned him.

(Artwork: "Dark Forest" By Min Woo Bang;

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Serene Saturday... Diamond Vision

I think we all have a fascination with all things sparkly. That crazy, wide eyed expression I get when I come across something embellished with crystals is truly priceless. Whether its clothing, jewelry, cocktail clutches or architecture, the piece always has this strange allure I can never define; to be honest, I don’t even own anything that is gem decorated in my wardrobe. Perhaps it’s the luxurious connotations associated with objects that essentially “sparkle.”

Even the word crystal exudes a sense of fantasy and imagination. Something that shines, glitters, gleams, twinkles and reflects a light that illuminates a royal image in our mind is incredibly innocent and utterly dreamlike. So for Serene Saturday I am dreaming of living within The Crystal Palace in Madrid Spain wearing a Burberry crystal encrusted trench coat while counting my glorious array of diamond rings and necklaces that drape over my vanity.
Yes, I admit it, I still dream of being a Queen, Marie Antoinette perhaps, lounging in my palace in France… without being executed by guillotine of course.

Friday, March 12, 2010

F*ck It Friday... About The Man

For F*ck It Friday, keeping with the “posting whatever I feel like” type theme the day has turned into, I wanted to share this wicked video that is probably one of my favorite Tom Waits performances. He is THE coolest cat around… that is all.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Say Whaaaa? Wednesday... The Somber of Sober Artists

I found this fantastically interesting article regarding the coincidental downfall of writers after they sober up. It seems there is a common trend in the quality of art, music, and literature after the artist becomes sober; temperate rock n’ roll, poetry and paintings just aren’t that great.
Look, I get that drugs and alcohol has robbed us of a score of greats – Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison, Keith Moon, Dinah Washington, John Bonham. I know a lot of artists have converted to a clean and sober life and continue to rain in the success of their creativity, however, the absence of that “self-destructive art” leaves out the romanticizing and soul-crushing feed we all want to indulged in; Highway to Hell type gig you feel me?

There is a famous quote by Symbolist poet Arthur Rimbaud about making oneself flourish by “an immense, long, deliberate derangement of all the senses,” and it appears plenty of artists follow that handbook. Gregg Allman even said “just leave your mind alone and just get high.” Whatever side your on you can’t deny the fact that some of the greatest music of all time came out of the maddened minds of artists under the influence.
Whether their creative product was amazing may have just been a coincidence but its fun reveling with the devil; sometimes we want to believe living a straight life leads to another destruction of the body besides death and sometimes that is much worse.

(Link: "When Novelists Sober Up" By Tom Shone;

(Photo: Jack Kerouac)

Alexander McQueen’s Final Collection

Following McQueen’s unfortunate suicide, 16 of his final creations were showcased in a dignified setting to honor the designer’s couture accomplishments throughout his fashion career.
The collection seeped renaissance nobility while highlighting the art of the Dark Ages. Beauty and radiant passion emitted from the rich fabrics and structured tailoring; the pieces were anything but a representation of a “Dark” era. The collection was minimal but the poetic and medieval splendor was still translated through religious iconography and subtle baroque artistic styling. As is typical for McQueen’s genius, he was able to transmit the grace of a period that generally is associated with aggression and hostility.

(Photos: Courtesy of

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Serene Saturday... I dream of Spring Today

This is a boring post to simulate my boring Saturday. It was a gorgeous day; the shinning sun was giving us a reminder of the ever approaching spring! However, I was uninspired to do much of anything, specifically working on a term paper that has been resting ever so pleasantly on my desk for the past week. I decided to record my sensations for the day...

Seeing: The sunshine illuminating a wintered earth ready to bloom into spring

Touching: Beautifully loose fitting, black silk tapered trousers I bought!

Hearing: “Old Habits Die Hard” The Rolling Stones

Smelling: White Chocolate Brownies I baked

Friday, March 5, 2010

F*ck It Friday... Flippin' the Bird to the Conventional

I have never been to Asia, however, the fashion of Japan and China has always fascinated me. Asian culture has this remarkable ability to stretch beyond the conventions of fashion and create something truly magical. It seems even their punk street style has a delicate technique that is illustrated through cut up leather, sky high Mohawks, purple Dock Martins, safety pin vests and eccentric make up. Whether it is only one with a “fashion eye” who can detect, or appreciate for that matter, this tactful and creative collection of brilliant entities that drift amongst the streets like real life animation, no one can deny their distinctive style!

So this weeks “F*ck It Friday” is in recognition to China’s Fashion Week 2010 held in Beijing. The beautifully peculiar clothes with unusually attractive head pieces made me want to get the “f*ck its” when it comes to taking risks with fashion! Some days I just want to go to school wearing a top hat and rings on every finger; after viewing these photos, I think I may just do so!

(Photos from left to right: TONI&GUY Trends Release; Model poses for a cosmetic show; Qi Gang- all lines showcased in Beijing at China's Fashion Week S/S Collection 2010)

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Say Whaaaa Wednesday... Art in Action

I am not one to be a fan of "pop culture" art but this creative venture truly is amazing. I am aware it is possible to have constructed this film through animation, but the source where I retrieved the video claims it was all done in brief seconds of film and continual painting and repainting the figures. Some incredibly impressive radical fusion going on in this video!

MUTO a wall-painted animation by BLU from blu on Vimeo.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Stone of a Poet- By Jenna Reimer

What should I know of death?
Drawing in a light breath,
Feeling life in all my limbs,
I stand single.
In the midst of greater shadows
I become a form beyond my solemn;
My fingers birth twisted fibers
Of coiling vines that threaten
The green-blue grassland I stand upon.
Shedding dead bark from my lips,
Red hued leaves from my hair,
My pillared body becomes a purposed bough.
Fear and forgotten trust, silence and solace
Skulls and death becomes an altar
Within my undisturbed mossy roots.